About Us

Mission Statement
The District is committed to providing a local groundwater district to protect private property rights, balance the conservation and development of groundwater to meet the needs of this state, use the best available science in the conservation and development of groundwater, and to achieve the following objectives; to provide for conserving, preserving, protecting, and recharging of the groundwater or of a groundwater reservoir or its subdivisions in order to control subsidence, prevent degradation or water quality, or prevent waste of groundwater throughout its participating counties.

The 75th Texas Legislature in 1997 enacted Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) to establish a comprehensive statewide water planning process. SB 1 contained provisions that required groundwater conservation districts to prepare management plans to identify the water supply resources and water demands that will shape the decisions of each district. SB 1 required that the management plans include management goals for each district to manage and conserve the groundwater resources within their boundaries. in 2001, the Texas Legislature enacted Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) to build on the planning requirements of SB 1 and to further clarify the actions necessary for districts to manage and conserve the groundwater resources of the state of Texas.
The Texas Legislature enacted significant changes to the management of groundwater resources in Texas and with the passage of House Bill 1763 (HB 1763) in 2005. HB 1763 created a long-term joint planning process in which groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) in each Groundwater Management Area (GMA) are required to meet and determine the Desired Future Conditions (DFCs) for the groundwater resources within their boundaries by September 1, 2010. In addition, HB 1763 required GCDs to share management plans with the other GCDs in the GMA for review by the other GCDs.
The Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District’s management plan satisfies the requirements of SB 1. SB 2, HB 1763, the statutory requirements of Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code, and the administrative requirements of the Texas Water Development Board’s (TWDB) rules.