Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District

Austin, Grimes, Walker, and Waller County, Texas

The Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District (BGCD) was created by the Texas Legislature in 2001 and later confirmed by voters to provide a local groundwater district to protect private property rights, balance the conservation and development of groundwater to meet the needs of this state, use the best available science in the conservation and development of groundwater, and to achieve the following objectives; to provide for conserving, preserving, protecting, and recharging of the groundwater or of a groundwater reservoir or its subdivisions in order to control subsidence, prevent degradation or water quality, or prevent waste of groundwater throughout its participating counties.

Bluebonnet GCD is governed by a sixteen-member Board of Directors (Board) with four Directors appointed to four-year terms by the Commissioners Courts of Austin, Grimes, Walker, and Waller Counties. Each Director is appointed to represent one of four interest groups within the county. Those interest groups are:  Agricultural Interests, Industrial Interests, Municipal Interests, and Rural Water Supplier’s Interests.

Click here to read more about the Bluebonnet GCD

Upcoming Board Meetings

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Calendar of Events

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